Liebster Blog Award!

Thanks to the lovely Shanee for tagging me with the Liebester award!

So... what exactly is the Liebster Award?
   The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
   The Meaning; Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
The Rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
3. Choose people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember no tag backs!

11 Things About Me:
1. I LOVE corn dogs.
2. I am addicted to Diet Coke.
3. I hate the feeling of getting pruney fingers, and I do anything I can to prevent it.
4. I was a funeral service major before I declared myself a fashion major.
5. I have a long distance relationship with my awesome boyfriend.
6. My entire family is Portuguese.
7. I want a bearded dragon named Fargo.
8. The Wizard of Oz is my all time favorite movie.
9. I collect snow globes.
10. I am convinced my best friend and I are our own kind of species.
11. Abraham Lincoln is my celebrity crush.

Questions from Shanee:
1. Cats or dogs? I love both but I am definitely a dog person.
2. If you were given USD 10,000 what would you do with it? Pay off all my bills, buy myself awesome things, and save the rest.
3. Do you believe in "happy ever after"? YES. If you work hard to get what you want and make yourself happy then you can be happy!
4. Like your hair to be curly, wavy or straight? Curly or wavy, I hate my hair straight.
5. Favorite food? WAY TOO MANY THINGS: seafood, pizza, buffalo wings, etc.
6. Favorite type of music? Rap and hip hop!
7. What is the quote/saying that you hold on to? "Fuck age, live dreams, have fun."
8. Lipstick or lipgloss? LIPSTICK, all the way.
9. Dream holiday getaway? Europe! There are so many places there I want to explore.
10. Current favorite beauty product? MAC studio sculpt foundation.
11. Type of heels that you are obsessed with? I'm dying to get my hands on the Jeffrey Campbell Cuffed.

My Questions for those I am tagging:
1. A pair of shoes you are dying to get your feet in?
2. Zombies or vampires?
3. What's your favorite tv show?
4. What is your dream career?
5. A music artist you would recommend to everyone?
6. What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe/closet?
7. What is your favorite lipstick?
8. Team Edward or team Jacob?
9. What is your favorite blog?
10. You dream ice cream sundae would consist of..
11. Finish the sentence, "My milkshake brings.."

I TAG: Mariah and Itsinthesky 



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Eat French fries, sleep never and breathe fashion.

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